Planning Committee and Applications
Downend & Bromley Heath Parish Council has a right to be notified of planning applications affecting the Council’s area and to comment (Town & Country Planning Act 1990, Schedule 1, paragraph 8).
The Planning Committee of Downend & Bromley Heath Parish Council usually meets every fortnight at 7pm in the Craft Room at Badminton Road Methodist Church.
Members of the public
We welcome members of the public at these meetings, whether they are the applicant or have concerns that a potential development may affect them. It is particularly helpful to the Parish Council’s Planning Committee to know of residents’ concerns before deciding whether or not to raise an objection to any application, and sending our formal response back to South Gloucestershire Council.
All current planning applications can be accessed via the South Gloucestershire Council Website. It is worth remembering that the Parish Council can only comment to South Gloucestershire Council on planning applications; it is South Gloucestershire Council which makes the actual decision. However, any decision made by South Gloucestershire Council will take into account written comments received from all consultees.