Sports Facilities

There are many opportunities to play different types of sport in South Gloucestershire parks.

It is free to use tennis courts (Page Park).  However, priority is given to those who have booked in advance, for which there is a charge.  Telephone 0117 9575113.

Since 1 April 2017, Downend & Bromley Heath Parish Council has taken over the management and maintenance of the sports pitches and pavilions at Bromley Heath Playing Field, Badminton Road and King George V.

Ground level view of a football and a child kicking another ball

To register your group/club/organisation and to book the facilities, please click the appropriate link below.  Please also ensure that you familiarise yourself with the appropriate regulations;

Sports Pitches

Badminton Road
Three senior football pitches and/or two junior pitches, a 7v7, two 5v5 pitches, cricket square and a pavilion.
King George V
One senior and/or two junior football pitches, a cricket square and use of the Badminton Road pavilion.
Bromley Heath
One junior and one under-10s football pitch, a pavilion.
Blackhorse Road
Two senior football pitches, a cricket square and a pavilion.

Page Park
Two senior football pitches, one under-9s pitch, one cricket square and a pavilion.
two children playing table tennis on the outdoor table at King George the 5th park

Downend Sports Centre

Downend Sports Centre and surrounding facilities were officially opened in October 2005 by Marcus Stewart of Bristol City FC.

The Centre offers a wide range of activities for all ages, including football, hockey, 5-a-side, tennis, basketball, netball, cricket, badminton, volleyball and rock climbing.

a view of the indoor sports facilities at downend sports centre
a game of cricket on the Downend Cricket ground

Downend Cricket

To find out more information on cricket in Downend and the latest news visit the Club today.
Local Council Award Scheme (LCAS)